Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Journal Part 3.4 Summary

I found IRIS to be helpful in helping me to narrow a topic.  In the past, I have been known to pick something to broad and had trouble narrowing it down.  I liked the idea of skimming articles and finding the keywords.  It amazed me at how much information can be gathered from just that little exercise.  After I looked over my list, I thought of questions that came to my mind from the keywords.  This helped narrow down "privacy" to a sizable topic.  For any source I use, I will make sure I take notes of that source, so I can find it again when needed.  Wikipedia is not a source I would want to use as a citation on my paper, due to the fact that I am not sure if the author is credible.  It is a good starting place to get some background on my topic.  After that, I should go into the deep web.  I used GVRL as my deep website.  The information on this site is phenomenal and is written by academics or experts on that particular subject.  I enjoyed reading the articles, especially the one that I cited.  The next research paper I have to write will be using the deep web.

1 comment:

  1. Great summary, you recapped all the important elements of this assignment. I'm glad you feel empowered by your introduction to Deep Web resources, these are great to be aware of.

