Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Did It!

Wow, I never thought that I would make a webpage! ( With simple instructions and patients it was easy.   I did accidentally close my notepad a couple of times.  But, I did just as you told us when we were to "view" your file and copy all of it and paste it into notepad.  I am glad I remembered that. 

I had fun changing colors.  To find out what color code went with what words, I experimented--choosing a color and seeing what words changed.  I also added a couple more paragraphs using the <p> and </p>.  I even figured out how to change the heading. I felt powerful and exhilarated.  This is never something I dreamed I could do. I did purposely leave in the sentence you wrote "This is my first html page!" because it is.

I knew it was important to be careful on choosing what sites to regard as reliable, but now I believe it even more.  ASPECT is a very good tool to use while surfing the net to get information.  If I can make a webpage, than just about anyone can.  That is a scarey thought.  Having taken this class, I feel more confident in being able to decide if a site is reliable or not.

During this semester I was able to use what you have taught us to write a short paper.  I was able use the web and see if the source was reliable.  ProQuest was also a good place for me to go.  I couldn't have written the paper without your guindence on the web.  Thank you so much. By the way I got a 50/50 : ) .

This class has been very enjoyable.  I have learned so much.  I have told my friend's who have children getting ready to start Clark, that their kids need to take this class.  I am not sure if kids learn about the deep web before they graduate from high school or how to search in different top-level domains.  I think this is a class every college student should have. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Angela:

    Thanks for your efforts. I think your webpage turned out great!

    And you nailed it, everyone can put up a webpage so you need to be careful about what you believe and use for an academic paper.

    I'm glad you found the class useful and informative, that is nice to hear.

