Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Journal Part 3.1 Deep Web Search

My world seems to be getting bigger everyday.  I knew there were other search engines.  Helping my son with a report, I was told to go onto the Fort Vancouver Library site and click on homework helps.  There was a whole other world opened to me; I didn't know it was called the deep web.  It boggles my mind with how much information is out there if we are willing to dig "deep".  I found it interesting that there are two types of search engines: static,   which searches the surface and dynamic, which is able to search a database. By using the advice from the IRIS topic of Subject Encyclopedias we were told to find keywords as we skim over articles.  This list of words could help narrow down your topic.  I decided to experiment for myself using Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Topic: Privacy
Keywords: self-disclosure, technology, ethics, intrusive activities, right of individual, access, journalist, constitutional privacy, tort privacy, self ownership, celebrity privacy, surveillance, DNA, government, commercial, gender, economics, ethnic origin, private space and family life, manners, electronic storage, protected by law   
(I have never thought of privacy in so many ways)
Interesting Article: Privacy. Bonnie McDougal. pp 1899 - 1907. New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Vol 5. Charles Scribener's Sons, Detroit, Michigan, 2005

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