Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yeah, I figured it out!

I did it!  I figured out how to create my own blog.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  I was a bit frustrated on how to input my "blog".  After a few tries of playing with buttons, I got it.  That seems to be my relationship with computers, try, try, and try again until I get it.

Using a digital workspace compared to pen and paper makes it easier to share with a group of people at one time rather than one at a time.  This will also save time and make it easier to communicate more often.  I will also be able to share pictures of my family and not worry about making tons of copies and wondering if I missed somebody.  On the other hand, a digital workspace isn't as personal as a hand written letter.

I do keep up with the goings-on of out town family through facebook.  It is a nice way to see pictures of my nieces and nephews.